When is Emergency Tree Care Necessary?

Trees are majestic additions to our properties, providing shade, beauty, and even habitat for wildlife. However sometimes, a beloved tree can become a hazard. In this guide, we list some of the most common signs you need emergency tree care, so you’ll know when it’s time to call a certified arborist for services.

Dangerous Tree Branches

An arborist implements emergency tree care services to remove a dangerous branch that is interfering with a power line.

If you notice a tree is losing its branches easily, or if branches are hanging precariously or are too close to power lines, it’s important to seek emergency tree care promptly. They can fall unexpectedly, causing property damage or possibly even injuring people or pets. Overhanging branches near power lines also pose a serious fire hazard risk. If you notice any of these issues, call a professional arborist immediately.

Trees Leaning Precariously

A tree in the front yard of a white house, surrounded by a green lawn

A leaning tree is a safety hazard because it may be at risk of failure (falling). This can potentially cause extensive property damage as well as personal injury. When a tree starts to lean significantly, this is an indication of structural instability or root damage. In such cases, emergency tree services are necessary to assess the situation and take appropriate action, such as tree removal or stabilization.

Cracks or Cavities in the Tree Trunk

A cavity in the trunk of an old oak tree

Cracks or cavities in the trunk of a tree can indicate an immediate need for emergency services, especially if the damage extends throughout most of the trunk. Visible tree trunk damage often indicates internal decay which weakens the tree’s structural integrity. This is often the result of severe weather, diseases, pests, or physical damage.

Emergency tree care should be sought immediately to evaluate the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action. A certified arborist will be able to provide emergency tree removal services or other corrective safety measures.

Parts of the Tree Have Fallen Already

A broken branch has fallen from a tree in the front lawn of a blue house

Any tree that has experienced partial failure should be inspected by an arborist immediately. It’s also important to have any fallen branches, partially fallen trees, and trees that have experienced total failure removed by professionals right away. Situations like these often occur during storms, when strong winds or heavy rainfall cause tree branches to fall, or cracks or splits to appear in the trunk of other large surface areas of the tree.

Fallen tree debris can be a major safety hazard and even pose a risk to people and pets. Emergency tree services are essential to safely remove the fallen tree, clear debris, and inspect the remainder of the tree to determine the best course of action.

Exposed Roots or Soil Heaving

The exposed roots of a tree in a front lawn

Exposed roots or soil heaving can also indicate potential tree-related emergencies. When erosion or soil movement causes tree roots to become exposed, this can compromise the tree’s stability, leading to an increased risk of failure.

Likewise, soil heaving can cause a tree to become unstable, occurring when the ground swells or bulges due to root growth or ground freezing. These signs should not be ignored, and emergency tree care may be necessary to protect the people and property surrounding the at-risk tree.

Tree Pests and Diseases

A close up of a tree trunk with pest damage

If your tree is showing signs of an infestation or disease, like unusual leaf discoloration, fungal growth, holes in leaves, bark cankers, or the visual presence of pests, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Pest infestations and tree diseases can weaken a tree very quickly making it more susceptible to falling. These issues can also spread just as quickly to surrounding trees and vegetation.

Early intervention by an arborist can help save the tree. During their inspection they will be able to accurately diagnose the issue and recommend the best course of action. In some cases, targeted treatments such as pruning infected branches or applying fungicides may be sufficient to control the disease. However, if a pest infestation or disease has advanced to the point where the tree is at risk of failure, complete tree removal may be necessary.

Contact Vintage Tree Care for Emergency Tree Services

Don’t wait for disaster to strike! If you notice any of these signs, the certified arborists at Vintage Tree Care are here to help. If you need emergency tree services, contact our 24-hour emergency line (707) 953-9494. For any other tree care needs, please contact us online, or give our office a call at (707) 495-4686.